Lesson 9 - Henle Latin - Translating Exercises

Exercise 111 pg. 106 - PRAY ALWAYS!
Omnes homines (homo, homini) boni orant sed homines mali non orant. 
All good men pray but bad men do not pray. 

Christiani in nomine Christi orant. 
Christians in the name of Christ pray. 

Rex bonus pro regno (regnum, regni) et militibus (miles, militis) orat. 
The good king for the kingdom and the soldiers prays. 

Dux bonus pro militibus orat. 
The good leader prays for the soldiers. 

Et milites et nautae propter belli pericula orant. 
And the soldiers and sailors pray on account of the dangers of the war. 

Et patres et matres pro filiis orant. 
And the fathers and mothers pray for the sons. 

Filii pro patribus et matribus orant. 
The sons pray for fathers and mothers. 

Amici pro amicis orant. 
Friends pray for friends. 

Christus pro omnibus hominibus orat. 
Christ prays for all humanity. 

Cum oramus, Deum laudamus. 
When we pray, we praise God. 

Omnes Christiani Deum, patrem omnium hominum, laudant, quod multas res bonas hominibus parat. 
All Christians praise God, father of all men, because the affiar prepares many goods to men. 

Milites post victoriam et salutem Deum laudant; 
The soldiers praise God after the victory and salvation. 

patres et martres Deum propter pacem et filiorum salutem laudant. 
Fathers and mothers praise God on account of the peace and salvation of the sons. 

Exercise 120 Pg. 111
1) Equites (eques, equitis) fortes cum magno hostium (hostis, hostis) numero (numerus, numeri) pugnabant. 
The strong horsemen with a great number of enemies were fighting. 

2) Christiani Christum, regem omnium (omnis, omne) gentium (gens, gentis), laudabant.
The Christians were praising Christ, the king of all people. 

3) Centuriones (centurio, centurionis) frumentum (frumentum, frumenti) non portabant. 
The Centurions were not carrying the grain. 

4) Altus mons colles (collis, collis) superabat. 
The tall mountain was surpassing the hills. 

5) Populus Romanus victorias legionum (legio, legionis) reliquarum (reliquus, a, um) laudabat.
The Roman people were praising the victories of the remaining legions. 

6) Christiani boni pro fratribus orabant. 
The good Christians were praying for the brothers. 

7) Equitatus (equitatus, equitatus) Romanus Gallos virtute superabat. 
The Roman cavalry was surpassing the Gauls in courage. 

8) Magnus centurionum (centurio, centurionis) numerus (numerus, numeri) in prima acie (acies, aciei) pugnabant. 
The great numbers of centurions were fighting in the first battle line. 

Exercise 125 Pg. 113

1) Omnibus gentibus (gens, gentis) Deus veritatem (veritas, veritatis) dabit. 
God will give truth to all the tribes. 

2) Interim (abv) imperator (imperator, imperatoris) centuriones (centurio, centurionis) in hiberna (hiberna, hibernorum) vocabit. 
Meanwhile the emperor will call the the centurions into the winter quarters. 

3) Deus homines (homo, hominis) sanctos post mortem in Caelum (caelum, caeli) vocabit. 
God will call holy men after death into Heaven. 

4) Principes (princeps, princepis) reliquarum (reliquus, a, um) gentium (gens, gentis) propter mortis (mors, mortis) metum (metus, metus) frumentum (frumentum, frumenti) Romanis dabunt. 
The princes of the remaining tribes will give grain according to the fear of death. 

5) Servi (servus, servi) frumentum (frumentum, frumenti) in hiberna portabunt. 
The servants will carry grain into the winter quarters. 

6) Centurio (centurio, centurionis) principes (princeps, principis) in hiberna vocabit. 
A centurion will call the princes into the winter quarters. 

Exercise 129 Pg. 115
Quis Caesarem post caedem principum Galliae laudabit? 
Who will praise Caesar after the slaughter of the leading men of Gaul? 

Cur senatum vocas? 
Why do you call the senate? 

Ubi sunt hiberna hostium?
Where are the winter quarter so the enemy? 

Quis Deum non laudat?
Who does not praise God? 

Ubi sunt copiae Romanae? 
Where are the supplies of the Romans? 

Cur loco alieno castra posuerunt?
Why did they pitch camp in the alien place? 

Cur urbes alienas occupat?
Why does he occupy the alien cities? 

Cur gentes alienae bellum parabant? 
Why were the alien people preparing for war? 

Cur omnia loca occupabat? 
Why was he occupying all places? 

Exercise 130
Why were the soldiers fighting in an unfavorable place? 
Cur in loco alieno milites oppugnabant? 

Who will surpass the great general Caesar? 
Quis Caesarem magnum superabit? 

What were they preparing? 
Quid parabant? 

Who is seizing foreign harbors and cities? 
Quis portus alienos et oppida aliena occupat?

Where will they fight at dawn? 
Ubi prima luce oppugnabunt? 

A man eager for fame does not praise another's courage.

Exercise 132
1) Pugnabantne semper Romani? 
Why were the Romans always fighting? 

2) Parabantne frumentum post longum iter? 
What grain was prepared after the long trip? 

3) Montes et silvas et flumina Galliae laudabitis. 
You all will praise the mountains and forests and rivers of Gall. 

4) Pugnabantne in itinere Romani cum Gallis? 
Why were the Romans fighting with the Galls on the journey? 

5) Erantne post bellum multa corpora in fluminibus et silvis? 
Why were there many bodies in the rivers and the forests after the war? 
