Henle First Year Latin Exercises - Lesson 8 Exercises

Exercise 96 pg. 84
1) Dominus Christus, Rex hominum, erat fortis et nobilis. 
Christ the Lord, king of men, was strong and noble. 

2) Spes (fem) Gallorum erat brevis. 
The hope of the Galls was short. 

3) Dux nobilis in prima acie erat. 
The noble leader was in the first battle line. 

4) Pro castris milites fortes erant. 
On behalf of the camp the soldiers were strong. 

5) Omnem spem salutis in virtute posuerunt. 
They placed all hope of salvation in virtue. 

6) Christiani in nomine Christi omnem spem salutis posuerunt. 
Christians placed all hope of salvation in the name of Christ. 

7) Propter rem gravem Caesar in Galliam venit. 
According to the grave affair Caesar came into Gall. 

8) Propter salutem communem omnes Galli in provinciam impetum fecerunt. 
On account of the common salvation all Galls made an attack into the province. 

9) Propter montes et silvas via erat difficilis. 
On account of the mountains and forests the road was difficult. 

10) Propter virtutem Gallorum res non erat facilis. 
On account of the virtue of the Galls the affair was not easy. 
