Book Access - "Hope" Ch. 12 of "Virtue Stands in the Middle" Dr. Gustafson

Chapter 12

Dr. Christopher Gustafson, STD is a Catholic theologian in the United States. GPQ did an interview with him in January of 2022 on his upcoming book, Virtue Stands in the Middle, which you can access here. More recently, GPQ talked with Dr. Gustafson regarding the virtue of digital temperance, which is available here. Dr. Gustafson has graciously offered to share parts of his upcoming book on virtue. The work not only delves in Catholic tradition and teaching on virtue and vice, but offers access to many images of the symbolism and iconographic tradition of the Seven Lady Virtues. Below is access to chapter twelve. 

"Hope is laser-focused on heaven. Sometimes the words trust or confidence are used as synonyms for hope, but these terms are more closely associated with the virtue of faith. Hope does not appear to have any synonyms in English. It stands alone. The theological virtue of hope is primarily focused upon achieving eternal life with God forever in heaven. Hope is focused upon salvation. The theological virtue of hope is secondarily concerned with those things which assist us in reaching heaven. The theological virtue of hope is a gift from God and therefore distinct from the feeling (or emotion) of hope. The feeling of hope refers to a desired future good, something difficult but possible to obtain. I hope for a good job. I hope for a happy life. I hope for world peace. The theological virtue of hope that we receive at baptism is a hope of a different order. It is the great hope. It is the ultimate hope. It overshadows all of our other hopes. It is hope for everlasting life."
